Among the numerous cosmetic treatments available, photorejuvenation does not receive a whole lot of attention. The treatment is relatively unknown to most people. This post seeks to help you understand one of the most effective and worthwhile cosmetic treatments: photo rejuvenation. Our discussion topics will answer questions such as what photo rejuvenation is, its benefits, how it works, its side effects, and more. Let’s begin.
What is Photo Rejuvenation?
Photo rejuvenation therapy is a non-surgical and non-invasive procedure designed to better the health and appearance of the skin. Photo means light in Greek and scientific terms; photo rejuvenation uses light to achieve its purpose. More specifically, the procedure uses intense pulsed light (IPL), a technology prevalent in the medical and cosmetic world for treating various skin conditions. Various cosmetic companies use the same technology but under different name brands. At RAW Aesthetics and Wellness, we utilize the Alma company’s Harmony XL PRO laser (IPL is a collection of lasers in different wavelengths) to perform it. Harmony XL PRO laser is our preferred device because of its highly customizable settings, making it capable of meeting the unique needs of all our clients.
How Does Photo Rejuvenation Work?
The entire efficacy of the photo rejuvenation treatment hinges on the IPL laser. Doctors and dermatologists commonly use intense pulsed light to treat wrinkles, fine lines, sun damage, hyperpigmentation, age spots, freckles, brown areas, and rosacea around the face and neck.
Photo Rejuvenation Uses IPL to Produce Electromagnetic Radiation
IPL uses different wavelengths of light in laser form. Laser optically amplifies light through electromagnetic radiation; the word laser is an acronym that stands for light amplification by stimulated electromagnetic radiation. Most people associate radiation with nuclear bombs, Chernobyl, or getting deformed; radiation simply means any form of energy that travels from a source at the speed of light.
Controlled Heat Destroys Highly-Pigmented Skin Cells
IPL radiation is an energy form that carries heat beneficial to the skin. When the light rays enter the skin, the pigments within the cells absorb the light and its warmth. The heat damages these cells and destroys them.
Controlled Heat Boosts Fibroblast Function
Aside from its effects on heavily pigmented cells, it
also affects fibroblasts and makes them secrete more collagen proteins. The body uses collagen to provide the structural skeleton of many tissues, including the skin. Collagen takes care of keeping the skin firm, smooth, whole, and undamaged – it is the primary repairing protein when the skin gets wounded. Our collagen levels drop significantly until our skin laxity becomes the norm as we age. The skin loses its firmness and smooth structure. Sagginess, scars, wrinkles, fine lines, and undesirable conditions form.
The appropriate wavelength of lasers can stimulate the skin to return to its more youthful appearance because of the improved collagen levels. Plus, because pigmented cells absorb most of the heat of the electromagnetic radiation, photo rejuvenation also improves hyperpigmentation.
Benefits of Photo Rejuvenation
The simple fact that photo rejuvenation boosts collagen production already treats many skin conditions associated with aging. Because collagen is the primary building block of healthy skin, it treats virtually all signs of unhealthy skin. But aside from that, photo rejuvenation also targets highly-pigmented skin cells.
Here is the more exhaustive list of conditions that photorejuvenation can help treat:
- Hyperpigmentation
- Freckles
- Age spots
- Sunspots
- Sun damage
- Saggy skin
- Light scarring
- Rough skin texture
- Uneven skin tone
- Gaunt skin
- Rosacea
- Skin redness
- Broken capillaries
- Acne (photo rejuvenation prevents and repairs damaged skin due to acne)
- Rigid skin (photo rejuvenation makes the skin more elastic)
- Inflammation
- Reduced blood circulation
Some of the benefits of photorejuvenation are not easily visible because the treatment does not necessarily focus on those. The primary benefits of photorejuvenation are making the skin more radiant and youthful-looking in general.
How Long Before You See Results
Immediately after the treatment, the skin will begin producing more collagen protein, but its effects will take time to become noticeable. You might see slight improvements after a session, but it will take around three to six months to obtain the full benefits after an entire series of treatments to obtain the full benefits. Dermatologists agree that you need several sessions of photorejuvenation treatments spaced a month apart each to achieve what you want. The skin takes time to absorb the full effects of a session and makes gradual improvements. After about three to six sessions, depending on how well your skin reacts to them, you’d obtain optimal results.
How Long Do the Results Last?
With the many factors that affect it, it can be hard to determine the accurate longevity of the results of an IPL treatment. Those factors include sun exposure, age, skincare routine, and genetics. However, reports indicate that the benefits of photorejuvenation generally last between six months to a full year.
Is Photo Rejuvenation Painful?
The procedure can cause mild to no discomfort. But to make you as comfortable as possible, the cosmetic practitioner will apply a topical numbing cream on the treatment site. The stinging sensation of the IPL can persist for a few hours after the treatment, but it is light.
Does It Have Side Effects?
The procedure has natural and mild side effects like redness, swelling, bruising, blisters, or skin crusting. But these expected side effects will dissipate within one to two weeks after the treatment. The skin will also be susceptible to sun damage after the treatment, so we highly recommend avoiding sun exposure or wearing sunscreen if going out in the sun is unavoidable. If side effects persist, contact your healthcare provider.
Talk to Raw RAW Aesthetics and Wellness About Photo Rejuvenation
To find out if you are a suitable candidate for the RAW Aesthetics and Wellness photorejuvenation treatment, reach out to us! You can contact us through the website Contact Us page, phone at 435-602-9503, or email at You can find us at 4190 South Highland Drive, Suite 202, Salt Lake City, UT 84124.